We recently got to sit down and interview the beautiful model Romy Byrne. How she started her modeling of career and things that she's into. So sit back, relax, and enjoy. You won't be disappointed
Who are
you and what are you all about?
-Romy, 21, Model.
Where are
you from?
- NYC born and raised
How did
you get started?
-A couple photographers who had shot me began sending my
pictures out to some agencies and it went from there
What made
you first become a model?
-Nothing in particular, is that boring?
motivates you?
Who do you
look up too?
-Mostly I look up to my older brother, and anyone who seriously
has their shit together
What was
your first job and what did you do with your first paycheck?
-My first
job was working at a rap label right after I got out of highschool, I spent my
first paycheck paying back my mom for something I broke in her house haha
What kind
of student were you?
-I loved school as a platform but I liked to teach myself
independently from my classes.
What are
some of your favorite food places to eat at?
-I don’t know man if the food is good I’m with it
Who is
your favorite fashion designer?
-I don’t have one; I’m terrible with that shit
In your
whole closet what’s your favorite item in there? (Shoes, bags, clothing, etc.)
-I have this duffle bag that I love. I take everywhere with me,
which is actually pretty shady now that I think about it
Any last
words for the people?
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