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Showing posts from October, 2012

Max De la RILA Interview

We recently sat down with another member of RILA and got to know him a little bit and what he is all about and what he does so check it out  Who are you and what are you all about? Max De la RILA,  I'm all about keeping it real, hence the twitter name @keepitRILA . I strive off making change and doing something different. I Live life freely and to the fullest but never take anything for granted.  Were you originally from? Los Angeles, California How was RILA created? Ken started it.  What is your role in RILA? Marketing    Finance Instagram  What type of fashion do you like? Simple designs. Try not to follow the hype and keep to what I like. What clothing lines do you look up to? I support all my friends hard work with their lines such as:   Bolla  TheEstablished  Durkl  TameLA Who motivates you? Everything I do in life is for ...

DMP Interview

We recently sat down with a few members from DMP and got to know all of them a little bit and what there all about so check it out Who are you guys and what are you all about? Rachel Marie: We are a group of chicks that are just really supporting each other in our individual dreams and shit. Some of us sing, dance, act, or take really cool pictures. And we look damn good while doing it too! Taylor Zaria: Young revolutionaries. Odd ones Good vibes & Good times. All of us are friend that all have a mentality of follow your dreams, and help each other work towards them Lauren Rich: We are a group of close friends who support each other in reaching for our dreams in becoming what we want to be in life . Bobbie : We're just a group of hilarious, beautiful, talented girls with dreams, goals and and a passion for everything we do. Mecca Coleman: Rebels, pioneers, eventually legends. Staying chill, laid ...